unit #1
Learn how to prevent cardiovascular disease, and how cardio-training works.
Remove back pain and keep your spine health.
Learn how to develop strength, endurance and neuromuscular coordination.
unit #2
& related problems prevention
How is oxygen deficiency related to overweight phenomenon?
The 8 factors influencing the assimilation of oxygen in the body.
Stages and ways of development of our pulmonary system
unit #3
KNOW YOURSELF BETTER based on Ayurveda
Discover your psycho-physiological profile (according to Ayurveda ).
Become more effective by knowing your strengths.
Prevent health risks by taking care of your weak sides.
unit #4
Chronic stress and burnout : problems and solutions.
The diseases of the XXI-st century : knowing how to prevent your health and minimize the risks.
What type of stress can prolong our life and act on the regeneration of the body? How the practice of Yoga is related?
unit #5
how can we prevent
cellular aging ?
Known and approved techniques to increase life expectancy
The means of cell regeneration
- physiological
- behavioral
- pharmacological / natural
Natural protection solutions, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and anti-aging. Based on modern clinical tests "in vivo".

Module #1: the historical and hormonal origins of stress

Module #2: know how to develop your respiratory system, and breathe well throughout your life

Module #3: discover the historical origins of our psycho-physiological differences

Module #4: better understand how the body works, so you could better preserve your health

Module #5: Knowing how to choose the right sports nutrition

Module #1: Maintaining Back Health and Removing Muscle Pain

Module #2: how breathing is linked to the development of overweight

Module #1: the so-called "cardio" work and the health of our heart

Module #5: act on the prevention of cellular aging

Module #3: know your strong and weak sides in order to better preserve health

Module #4: Stress and De-Stress. Lots of useful info on this.

A whole YouTube channel to make your practice more suited to your needs

Anne Boudin
teacher classical dance
honorary member of CFDCC
The seminar is very complete and we discovers, in a way that Aleksei makes simple, ways to get healthy and stay that way. His training does not apply only to the practice of yoga, but to ballet and any other sport.
His classes do not bring together a "typical" yoga class, which can be found everywhere. His classes are personalized for each case, case they are adapted to our personal needs, and are based on our objectives determined whole.
Aleksei also has a good knowledge of dietetic. which goes hand in hand with Ayurvedic principles. His seminars and its courses open a new horizon for those wishing to adopt a daily lifestyle, guarantor of health preserved, as Aleksei proves to us."

professor emeritus HEC Paris
Human Resources Consultant
President of the Francophone Association of HRM
The practice of yoga serves us here as a prism in order to better understand the sources and solutions of the problems addressed, whether they are of a physiological nature or those related to breathing.
The training, even if it is intended for a wide audience concerned with living better and for a growing population to be able to age in good health, may also concern the Quality Managers of Life at Work (QVT) and HRDs in companies to help them initiate programs for the development of well-being and prevention
health risks for employees.

André-Richard Dziulko
General practitioner and osteopath
Former Consultant at St. Louis Hospital
Alexi built his seminary through from the prism of Yoga. He uses the knowledge psycho-physiological aspects of Yoga in order to to prove the logic of working of this ancient tradition.
At the same time, he backs up his speech with the results of conventional medicine research, applied to practical of Yoga.
By a speech focused and demonstrative Aleksi demonstrates understanding of the sources of stress, and door the tools that seem very effective.
This in turn increases the personal potential of the individual, his psychic resistance, its concentration,
and makes him want to develop further.
General principles
Our conferences are made for your company:
seek to adopt a preventive approach within your company
want to increase employee safety
wish to develop collective protection
want to reduce the number of accidents at work
act on the prevention of occupational diseases
put occupational health and safety at the heart of your collective
Occupational risk assessment:
Health prevention is becoming more and more important nowadays.
Business manager, employer, or HR manager, concerned about the health of workers, you are responsible for improving working conditions as well as analyzing health risks.
Prevention policy: by calling on prevention actors, you carry out a risk assessment, which allows you to anticipate critical situations and prevent risks related to health and safety, work organization, Tms, psychosocial risks , improve working conditions (psychosocial), Chsct, Inrs. The professionals (and professionals) de la santé will help you carry out a complete assessment of occupational health risks and will propose a prevention approach.
Personal protection: having the risks assessed will also allow you to close the question of hygiene and safety in the workstations (workplaces), will improve the organizational capacities of your company, will reduce the difficulty of this problem. An action plan will allow you to take the necessary preventive measures to improve working conditions within your company.