Cardio protectors
Arjuna(Terminalia Arjuna)

About :
Natural cardio-tonic, is included in the "golden" composition of Ayurveda.
In medicine, the recycled bark of Arjuna is always present, it has a cardio-protective and anti-ischemic action, it reduces systolic blood pressure. Since ancient times, Arjuna has been used for medicinal purposes and is mentioned in medical treatises as a miracle cure. It is considered one of the main cardiotonic Ayurveda.
Arjuna bark is recognized in the prevention of a wide range of cardiovascular pathologies and respiratory diseases. Excellent antiseptic, it stimulates blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, improves blood quality. Recommended in case of insomnia, headaches, anemia, decreased concentration, stress.
Arjun Kwath is considered an excellent adaptogen stimulating a surge of strength and reducing the state of mental stress, so important for heart health.